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News and Events
January, 2025
Luis L. Bonilla and Rafael González Albaladejo have
published in SIAM News an article on the formation of
swarms as a phase transition with extended criticality
in https://www.siam.org/publications/siam-news/articles/insect-swarms-chaos-and-phase-transitions/.
i It is also featured on SIAM homepage, and has been shared with
the community via their social media channels.
March, 2024
Researchers from UCM (Isidoro González-Adalid y Víctor
Martín-Mayor), U.P. Comillas (Emanuel Mompó), UGR
(Antonio Lasanta) and this group of the UC3M (J. Salas)
have published the paper Shortcuts of Freely Relaxing Systems
Using Equilibrium Physical Observables in Phys.
Rev. Lett. This article has been selected as an
Editors' Suggestion by the editors of PRL.
September, 2023
Collective Cellular Motion in
Tissues by L.L. Bonilla in SIAM News.
June, 2023
Our Master in Industrial Mathematics M2i has been
selected (for the third time) by El Mundo as one of the top five of
the best masters in Engineering offered by Spanish
universities. This recognition adds up to the
Excellence Mention given by the Xunta de Galicia
in 2022.
June, 2023
Nuestros compañeros Ana Carpio, Rafael
González-Albadalejo y Luis L. Bonilla descubren una
nueva transición de fase entre fases caóticas en
enjambres de insectos
October, 2022
Workshop ``Statistical mechanics
in general relativity. Physical, geometric and
algebraic perspectives'', 20-21 October, 2022,
Ceuta (Spain) sponsored by grants PID2020-116567GB-C22
and PID2021-128970OA-I00 (MCIN/AEI).
October and November, 2020
Introducción al aprendizaje automático para el
cálculo científico Prof. Antonio Marquina, Universidad de Valencia Días: 8-15-22-29 de octubre y 5-12-19-26 de noviembre. Horario: jueves de 18:00 a 20:00h. Contenido:
July, 2019
Nuestro compañero A. Lasanta junto con un equipo
internacional en el que destaca el Prof. Giorgio
Parisi, acaba de publicar el artículo The Mpemba
effect in spin glasses is a persistent memory
effect en la importante revista PNAS.
Junio, 2019
Entrevista a nuestro compañero A. Lasanta en el
programa de la IER-UNAM (México) "La araña Patona"
sobre el Efecto Mpemba.
June, 2018
Our Master in Industrial Mathematics M2i has been
selected by El Mundo as one of the top five of
the best masters in Engineering offered by Spanish
June, 2018
Juan Margalef-Bentabol made it to the
international final of the FameLab
international scientific talks competition with his
talk Preguntas y catástrofes.
May, 2018
Con ocasión del 125 aniversario de Physical
Review y patrocinado por el Instituto Gregorio
Millán Barbany, la Escuela Politécnica Superior y la
Universidad Carlos III, nos visita el 30 de mayo de
2018 uno de sus editores. El programa previsto es el
May, 2018
Juan Margalef-Bentabol has won the Spanish
national final of the FameLab international scientific
talks competition with his talk Preguntas y catástrofes.
October, 2017
A. Lasanta, F. Vega Reyes, A. Prados, and A.
Santos have just published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
a paper entitled
When the Hotter Cools More Quickly: Mpemba Effect in
Granular Fluids, which has received media attention
in several scientific
July 6-7, 2017
January 19-20, 2017
de Investigación del Instituto Gregorio Millán
Barbany. Tendrán lugar en la Sala de Audiovisuales
de la Biblioteca Rey Pastor (3.1.S08), UC3M, Leganés.
September 7, 2016
August 28-September 2, 2016
Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological
Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications. Banff,
Alberta, Canada.
March 9-11, 2016
Nonequilibrium condensed matter and
biological systems Second meeting of the Network of
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics.
January 25, 2016
Galley proofs
(El País).
August, 2013
A Conference
to Celebrate Mathematical Modelling on the occasion of
the 90th Birthday of Joseph B. Keller, August 30
& 31, 2013, at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL).
July, 2013
November, 2012
May, 2011
January, 2010
March, 2009
September, 2006
Anunciados los premios ICIAM 2007 que se entregarán en
el International Congress of Industrial and Applied
Mathematics del 16 al 20 Julio 2007, Zurich, Suiza.
Joe Keller ha obtenido el premio Lagrange por las
contribuciones excepcionales a las Matemáticas
Aplicadas que ha hecho a lo largo de su carrera.
July, 2006
June, 2006
A workshop in honor of Peter D. Lax and Louis
Nirenberg: Recent Advances in
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and
March, 2005
October, 2004
September, 2004
September, 2004
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Last update on 22/January/2025 by
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