>  Publications
 >  2004

Publications 2004

  1. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Particles and vacuum for perturbative and non-perturbative Einstein-Rosen gravity"
    Physical Review D 70, 044028 (2004) [arXiv:gr-qc/0406087]

  2. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Asymptotic analysis of field commutators for Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves"
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 45, 3498-3532 (2004) [arXiv:gr-qc/0405075]

  3. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Quantum cylindrical waves and sigma models"
    International Journal of Modern Physics D 13, 1119-1128 (2004) [arXiv:gr-qc/0402096]

  4. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Time uncertainty in quantum gravitational systems"
    Physical Review D 69, 044017 (2004) [arXiv:gr-qc/0311073]

  5. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Quantized cylindrical gravitational waves and microcausality"
    Gravitational radiation. Edited by J.A. Miralles, J.A. Font and J.A. Pons. (Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2004).

  6. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Cylindrical waves and time uncertainty in perturbative and non-perturbative quantum gravity"
    Gravitational radiation. Edited by J.A. Miralles, J.A. Font, and J.A. Pons. (Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2004).

  7. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Asymptotic analysis of quantum light cones for cylindrical gravitational waves"
    Proceedings of the XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics. Publicaciones de Real Sociedad Matemática Española 7. (RSME, 2004).

  8. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Einstein-Rosen waves and microcausality"
    Publicaciones de Real Sociedad Matemática Española 8. (RSME, 2004).

  9. J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Particles and vacuum in perturbative and non-perturbative cylindrical gravity"
    Proceedings de los Encuentros Relativistas Españoles 2004 (ERE2004). (2004).

  10. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio and J.C. Neu
    "Igniting homogeneous nucleation"
    Simplicity, Rigor and Relevance in Fluid Mechanics. Edited by F.J. Higuera, J. Jiménez and J.M. Vega. Pages 331-348 (CIMNE, Barcelona, 2004).

  11. A. Carpio and L.L. Bonilla
    "Atomic models of dislocations and their motion in cubic crystals"
    European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2004, Jyväskylä, 24-28 July 2004. Edited by P. Neittaanmäkki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer. (2004).

  12. A. Carpio, I. Plans and L.L. Bonilla
    "Atomic models of dislocations for Si and GaAs"
    European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2004, Jyväskylä, 24-28 July 2004.. Edited by P. Neittaanmäkki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer. (2004).

  13. S.-C. Chang, J.L. Jacobsen, J. Salas and R. Shrock
    "Exact Potts model partition functions for strips of the triangular lattice"
    Journal of Statistical Physics 114, 763-823 (2004) [arXiv:cond-mat/0211623]

  14. R. Escobedo, L.L. Bonilla and F.J. Higuera
    "Free boundary problems describing two-dimensional pulse recycling and motion in semiconductors"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. Edited by A. Buikis, R. Ciegis and A. D. Fitt. Mathematics in Industry 5. Pages 147-152 (Springer, Berlin, 2004).

  15. T. Goudon, O. Sánchez, J. Soler and L.L. Bonilla
    "Low-field limit for a nonlinear discrete drift-diffusion model arising in semiconductor superlattices theory"
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 64, 1526-1549 (2004)

  16. F. Guinea, R.S. Markiewicz and M.A.H. Vozmediano
    "Superconductivity in electron-doped cuprates: Gap shape change and symmetry crossover with doping"
    Physical Review B 69, 054509 (2004) [arXiv:cond-mat/0206208]

  17. A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Backscattering of beams by forward-peaked scattering media"
    Optics Letters 29, 74-76 (2004)

  18. A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Beam propagation in sharply peaked forward scattering media"
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21, 797-803 (2004)

  19. L. L. Bonilla
    "Theory of charge fluctuations and domain relocation times in semiconductor superlattices"
    Physica D 199, 105-114 (2004) [arXiv:cond-mat/0412164]

  20. A. Perales, L.L. Bonilla and R. Escobedo
    "Miniband transport and oscillations in semiconductor superlattices"
    Nanotechnology 15, S229-S233 (2004)

  21. P. Romero and J.M. Gambi
    "Optimal control in the east/west station keeping manoeuvres for geostationary satellites."
    Aerospace Science and Technology 8, 729-734 (2004)

  22. O. Sánchez, L.L. Bonilla and J. Soler
    "Random domain-relocation times in semiconductor superlattices: A stochastic discrete drift-difussion approach"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. Edited by A. Buikis, R. Ciegis and A.D. Fitt. Mathematics in Industry 5. Pages 159-164 (Springer, Berlin, 2004).

  23. B. Valenzuela, and M.A.H. Vozmediano
    "Anisotropic transport in the overdoped High-Tc superconductors within the Van Hove scenario" [arXiv:cond-mat/0408662]

  24. M.A.H. Vozmediano, M.P. López-Sancho, and F. Guinea
    "Interactions, disorder and local defects in graphite"
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 562-566 (2004) [arXiv:cond-mat/0409567]

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