J.A. Acebrón, L.L. Bonilla,
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"The Kuramoto model: a simple paradigm for
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Reviews of Modern Physics 77, 137-185
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J.F. Barbero, I. Garay and
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"Exact quantization of Einstein-Rosen waves
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J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and
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"Perturbative and non-perturbative quantum
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J.F. Barbero, G.A. Mena and
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"Asymptotics of regulated field commutators for
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Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 062306
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L.L. Bonilla and A. Carpio
"Control challenges in semiconductor nanostructure
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L.L. Bonilla, G. Dell'Acqua
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"Relocation dynamics and multistable switching in
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International Conference on Computation and
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L.L. Bonilla, G. Dell'Acqua
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"Relocation of electric field domains and
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Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2004. Edited by A. Di Bucchianico, R.M.M.
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L.L. Bonilla and R.
"Quantum kinetic and drift-diffusion equations for
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Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
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Mattheeij and M.A. Peletier. Mathematics in Industry
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L.L. Bonilla and R.
"Wigner-Poisson and nonlocal drift-diffusion model
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Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
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L.L. Bonilla and H.T.
"Non-linear dynamics of semiconductor
Reports on Progress in Physics 68, 577-683
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L.L. Bonilla, M. Kindelan and
J.B. Keller
"Periodically generated propagating
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A. Carpio and L.L. Bonilla
"Discrete models of dislocations and their motion
in cubic crystals"
Physical Review B 71, 134105/1-10 (2005)
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R. Escobedo and L.L.
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International Conference on Computation and
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P. González-Rodríguez, M.
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"History matching problem in reservoir engineering
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F. Guinea, M.P. López-Sancho,
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"Interactions and Disorder in 2D Graphite
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J.L. Jacobsen, J. Salas and
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A. Kim and M. Moscoso
"Light transport in two-layer tissues"
Journal of Biomedical Optics 10,, 034015
J.C. Neu, L.L. Bonilla and A.
"Igniting homogeneous nucleation"
Physical Review E 71, 021601/1-14 (2005)
T. Stauber, F. Guinea, and
M.A.H. Vozmediano
"Disorder and interaction effects in two
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Physical Review B 71, R041406 (2005) [arXiv:cond-mat/0311016]
M.A.H. Vozmediano, M P.
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