I. Agulló, J.F. Barbero, J.
Díaz-Polo, E.F. Borja and E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Black hole state counting in loop quantum
gravity: A number-theoretical approach"
Physical Review Letters 100, 211301 (2008)
J.I. Arana, and L.L.
"Homogeneous nucleation of dipole domains and
current selfoscillations in photoexcited
semiconductor superlattices"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 812-816 (Springer, Berlin,
J.I. Arana, L.L. Bonilla and
H.T. Grahn
"Homogeneous nucleation of opposite moving dipole
domains and current self-oscillations in undoped
photoexcited superlattices"
Physica E 40, 1209-1211 (2008)
J.F. Barbero, I. Garay and
E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Classical and quantum behavior of dynamical
systems defined by functions of solvable
American Journal of Physics 76, 153-157
J.F. Barbero, I. Garay and
E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Quantum Einstein-Rosen waves: Coherent states and
n-point functions"
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 205013
(2008) [arXiv:0808.2561]
F. Barbero, I. Garay, and
E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Einstein-Rosen waves coupled to matter"
Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann
Meeting on General Relativity. (World
Scientific, Singapore, 2008).
J.F. Barbero, D. Gómez Vergel
and E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Quantum unitary evolution of linearly polarized
S1xS2 and S3 Gowdy models coupled to massless scalar
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 085002
(2008) [arXiv:0711.1790]
J.F. Barbero and E.J.S.
"Generating functions for black hole entropy in
loop quantum gravity"
Physical Review D 77, 121502(R) (2008)
F. Bernal y M. Kindelan
"Meshless simulation of Hele-Shaw flow"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 677-682 (Springer, Berlin,
L.L. Bonilla (Ed.)
"Inverse Problems and Imaging"
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943.
(Springer, Berlin, 2008).
L.L. Bonilla, L. Barletti y M.
"Nonlinear electron and spin transport in
semiconductor superlattices"
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 69,
494-513 (2008) [arXiv:0807.3900]
L.L. Bonilla and A. Carpio
"Depinning and motion of crystal
Continuum Models and Discrete Systems CMDS
11. Edited by D. Jeulin and S. Forest. Pages
259-264 (Mines Paris, Paristech, Ècole des Mines de
Paris, France, 2008).
L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio and
J.C. Neu
"Heterogeneous vapor condensation in boundary
Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics.
Edited by T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras.
American Institute of Physics Proceedings
1048. Pages 917-920 (Melville, NY, 2008).
L.L. Bonilla and M.
"Nonlinear electron transport in
Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics.
Edited by T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras.
American Institute of Physics Proceedings
1048. Pages 9-12 (Melville, NY,
L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega (Eds.)
"Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
Mathematics in Industry 12. (Springer, Berlin,
A. Carpio and L.L. Bonilla
"Periodized discrete elasticity models for defects
in graphene"
Physical Review B 78, 085406 (2008).
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
18, (2008) [arXiv:0805.1220]
A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, F. de
Juan and M.A.H. Vozmediano
"Dislocations in graphene"
New Journal of Physics 10, 053021 (2008)
A. Carpio, I. Plans and L.L.
"Homogeneous nucleation of dislocations"
Continuum Models and Discrete Systems CMDS
11. Edited by D. Jeulin and S. Forest. Pages
265-270 (Mines Paris, Paristech, Ècole des Mines de
Paris, France, 2008).
M. Carretero, R. Escobedo,
L.L. Bonilla and G. Platero
"Multiquantum well spin polarized current
Physica E 40, 1099-1101 (2008)
M. Carretero, R. Escobedo,
L.L. Bonilla and G. Platero
"Self-sustained spinpolarized current oscillations
in diluted magnetic semiconductor
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44, 2662-2665
O. Dorn
"Time reversal and the adjoint imaging method with
an application in telecommunication"
Inverse Problems and Imaging. Springer
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943. Pages
135-170 (Springer, Berlin, 2008).
O. Dorn, H. Bertete-Aguirre,
and G.C. Papanicolaou
"Adjoint fields and sensitivity for 3D
electromagnetic imaging for isotropic and anisotropic
Inverse Problems and Imaging. Springer
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943. Pages 35-65
(Springer, Berlin, 2008).
O. Dorn, M. El-Shenawee, and
M. Moscoso
"Iterative microwave inversion algorithm based on
the adjoint-field i method for breast cancer
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 587-591 (Springer, Berlin,
O. Dorn, R. Villegas
"History matching of petroleum reservoirs using a
level set technique"
Inverse Problems 24, 035015 (2008)
R. Escobedo, M. Carretero,
L.L. Bonilla and G. Platero
"Self-sustained current oscillations in a
multiquantum well spin polarized structure with
normal contacts"
Physica Status Solidi (a) 205, 1270-1275
D. Gómez Vergel and E.J.S.
"Unitary evolution of free massless fields in de
Sitter space-time"
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 145008
(2008) [arXiv:0712.1421]
N. Irishina, O. Dorn and M.
"A level set evolution strategy in microwave
imaging for early breast cancer detection"
Computer & Mathematics with Applications
56, 607-616 (2008)
N. Irishina, M. Moscoso, and
O. Dorn
"Iterative microwave inversion for breast cancer
detection using level sets"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 592-596 (Springer, Berlin,
R. Kotecký, J. Salas and A.D.
"Phase transition in the three-state Potts
antiferromagnet on the diced lattice"
Physical Review Letters 101, 030601 (2008)
M. Moscoso
"Introduction to image reconstruction"
Inverse Problems and Imaging. Springer
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943. Pages 1-16
(Springer, Berlin, 2008).
M. Moscoso
"Polarization based optical imaging"
Inverse Problems and Imaging. Springer
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943. Pages 67-83
(Springer, Berlin, 2008).
I. Plans, A. Carpio and L.L.
"Homogeneous nucleation of dislocations as
bifurcations in a periodized discrete elasticity
Europhysics Letters 81, 36001 (2008) [arXiv:0711.3744]
I. Plans, A. Carpio, L.L.
Bonilla, and R. Caflisch
"Critical thickness for misfit dislocation
formation in InAs/GaAs(110) heteroepitaxy"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 381-386 (Springer, Berlin,
E.J.S. Villaseñor
"Introduction to Quantum Mechanics"
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings
1023, 107 (2008)
R. Villegas, O. Dorn, M.
Moscoso and M. Kindelan
"Reservoir Characterization Using Stochastic
Initializations and the Level Set Method."
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
56, 697-708 (2008)
R. Villegas, O. Dorn, M.
Moscoso and M. Kindelan
"Characterization of reservoirs by evolving level
set functions obtained from geostatistics"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 597-602 (Springer, Berlin,
A. Zacharopoulos, O. Dorn,
S.A. Arridge, V. Kolehmainen, and J. Sikora
"Reconstruction of simple geometric objects in 3D
optical tomography using an adjoint technique and a
boundary element method from geostatistics"
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2006. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, M.A. Moscoso, G.
Platero, and J.M. Vega. Mathematics in Industry
12. Pages 603-607 (Springer, Berlin,