>  Publications
 >  1992

Publications 1992

  1. L.L. Bonilla
    "Theory of solitary waves and spontaneous current instabilities in dc voltage biased extrinsic semiconductors"
    Physica D 55, 182-196 (1992)

  2. L.L. Bonilla
    "Small signal analysis of spontaneous current instabilities in extrinsic semiconductors with trapping: application to p-type ultrapure Germanium"
    Physical Review B 45, 11642-11654 (1992)  Pdf

  3. L.L. Bonilla, J.C. Neu and R. Spigler
    "Nonlinear stability of incoherence and collective synchronization in a population of coupled oscillators"
    Journal of Statistical Physics 67, 313-330 (1992)

  4. J. González, F. Guinea and M.A.H. Vozmediano
    "Continuum approximation to fullerene molecules"
    Physical Review Letters 69, 172-175 (1992)

  5. F.J. Higuera and L.L. Bonilla
    "Gunn instability in finite samples of GaAs. II Oscillatory states in long samples"
    Physica D 57, 161-184 (1992).
    Addendum Physica D 63, 437 (1993)

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