>  Publications
 >  2018

Publications 2018

  1. F. Barbero, A. Ferreiro, J. Navarro-Salas, E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Adiabatic expansions for Dirac fields, renormalization, and anomalies"
    Physical Review D 98, 025016 (2018) [arXiv:1805.05107] [doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.025016]

  2. F. Barbero, J. Margalef-Bentabol, E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "On the distribution of the eigenvalues of the area operator in loop quantum gravity"
    Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 065008 (2018) [doi:10.1088/1361-6382/aaabf9]

  3. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, M. Carretero, G. Duro, M. Negreanu, and F. Terragni
    "A convergent numerical scheme for integrodifferential kinetic models of angiogenesis"
    Journal of Computational Physics 375, 1270-1294 (2018.) [doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2018.09.008]

  4. L.L. Bonilla, M. Carretero, and F. Terragni
    "Stochastic Models of Tumor Induced Angiogenesis"
    Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications. Edited by L.L. Bonilla, E. Kaxiras, and R. Melnik. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 232. Pages 97-116 (Springer International Publishing AG, 2018). [doi:10.1007/978-3-319-76599-0_6]

  5. L.L. Bonilla, E. Kaxiras, and R. Melnik (Eds)
    "Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications"
    Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 232. (Springer International Publishing AG, 2018).

  6. L.L. Bonilla and C. Trenado
    "Crossover between parabolic and hyperbolic scaling, oscillatory modes and resonances near flocking"
    Physical Review E 98. Pages 062603 (2018). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.98.062603]

  7. J. Essen, M. Ruiz-Garcia, I. Jenkins, M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, and B. Birnir
    "Parameter dependence of high-frequency nonlinear oscillations and intrinsic chaos in short GaAs/(Al,Ga)As superlattices"
    Chaos 28, 043107 (2018) [arXiv:1706.09488] [doi:10.1063/1.4997477]

  8. J.M. Gambi, M.L. García del Pino, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller
    "Post-newtonian equations for free-space laser communications between space-based systems"
    International Journal of Mechanics 12, 38-45 (2018)

  9. S. Iakunin and L.L. Bonilla
    "Variational formulation, asymptotic analysis, and finite element simulation of wrinkling phenomena in modified plate equations modeling biofilms growing on agar substrates"
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 333, 257-286 (2018) [doi:10.1016/j.cma.2018.01.033]

  10. J.-P. Lv, Y. Deng, J.L. Jacobsen, and J. Salas
    "The three-state Potts antiferromagnet on plane quadrangulations"
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 365001 (2018) [arXiv:1804.08911] [doi:10.1088/1751-8121/aad1fe]

  11. J.-P. Lv, Y. Deng, J.L. Jacobsen, J. Salas, and A.D. Sokal
    "Duality and the universality class of the three-state Potts antiferromagnet on plane quadrangulations"
    Physical Review E 97, 040104(R) (2018) [arXiv:1712.07047] [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.040104]

  12. A. Marcos-Vicioso, C. López-Jurado, M. Ruiz-Garcia and R. Sánchez
    "Thermal rectification with interacting electronic channels: Exploiting degeneracy, quantum superpositions and interference"
    Physical Revew B 98, 035414 (2018) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.98.035414]

  13. E. Mompo, M. Ruiz-Garcia, M. Carretero, H.T. Grahn, Y. Zhang, and L.L. Bonilla
    "Coherence Resonance and Stochastic Resonance in an Excitable Semiconductor Superlattice"
    Physical Review Letters 121, 086805 (2018) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.086805]

  14. Z.Z. Shao, Z.Z. Yin, H.L. Song, W. Liu, X.J. Li, J. Zhu, K. Biermann, L.L. Bonilla, H.T. Grahn, and Y.H. Zhang
    "Fast Detection of a Weak Signal by a Stochastic Resonance Induced by a Coherence Resonance in an Excitable GaAs/Al0.45Ga0.55As Superlattice"
    Physical Review Letters 121, 086806 (2018) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.086806]

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