>  Publications
 >  2001

Publications 2001

  1. J.A. Acebrón, A. Perales and R. Spigler
    "Bifurcations and global stability of synchronized stationary states in the Kuramoto model for oscillator populations"
    Physical Review E 64, 016218/1-5 (2001)

  2. A. Amann, A. Wacker, L.L. Bonilla and E. Schöll
    "Dynamic scenarios of multi-stable switching in semiconductor superlattices"
    Physical Review E 63, 066207/1-8 (2001)

  3. A. Amann, A. Wacker, L.L. Bonilla and E. Schöll
    "Field domains in semiconductor superlattices: Dynamic scenarios of multistable switching"
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor. Edited by N. Miura and T. Ando. Pages 801-802 (Springer, Berlin, 2001).

  4. G. Bal and M. Moscoso
    "Theoretical and numerical analysis of polarization for time dependent radiative transfer equations"
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 70, 75-98 (2001)

  5. L.L. Bonilla and R. Escobedo
    "Two-dimensional oscillatory patterns in semiconductors with point contacts"
    Physical Review E 64, 036203/1-4 (2001)  Pdf

  6. L.L. Bonilla, R. Escobedo and F.J. Higuera
    "Axisymmetric pulse recycling and motion in bulk semiconductors"
    Physical Review E 65, 016607/1-8 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0201314]  Pdf

  7. L.L. Bonilla, R. Escobedo and F.J. Higuera
    "Axisymmetric Gunn effect"
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. Edited by N. Miura and T. Ando. Pages 135-136 (Springer, Berlin, 2001).

  8. L.L. Bonilla and J. Soler
    "High-field limit of the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system: A comparison of different perturbation methods"
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) 11, 1457-1468 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0007164]  Pdf

  9. I.R. Cantalapiedra, M.J. Bergmann, L.L. Bonilla and S.W. Teitsworth
    "Chaotic motion of space charge waves in semiconductors under time-independent voltage bias"
    Physical Review E 63, 056216/1-7 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0011162]  Pdf

  10. A. Carpio and L.L. Bonilla
    "Wave front depinning transition in discrete one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems"
    Physical Review Letters 86, 6034-6037 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0201317]  Pdf

  11. A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla and G. Dell'Acqua
    "Motion of wave fronts in semiconductor superlattices"
    Physical Review E 64, 036204/1-9 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0201316]  Pdf

  12. A. Carpio, P.J. Hernando and M. Kindelan
    "Numerical study of hyperbolic equations with integral constraints arising in semiconductor theory"
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 39, 168-191 (2001)

  13. J. González, F. Guinea M.A.H. Vozmediano
    "Electron-electron interactions in graphene sheets"
    Physical Review B 63, 134421 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0007337]

  14. A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Influence of the relative refractive index on the depolarization for time dependent radiative transfer equations"
    Physical Review E 64, 026612 (2001)

  15. K.J. Luo, S.W. Teitsworth, M. Rogozia, H.T. Grahn, L.L. Bonilla, J. Galán and N. Ohtani
    "Controllable bifurcation processes in undoped, photoexcited GaAs/AlAs superlattices"
    Proceedings of the Fifth Experimental Chaos Conference. Edited by M. Ding, W.L. Ditto, A. Osborne, L. M. Pecora and M.L. Spano. Pages 37-43 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001).

  16. A. Medina, C. Treviño, P.J. Hernando and L.L. Bonilla
    "Experimental and theoretical study of the gravity induced granular flow in two-dimensional silos"
    Coherent Structures in Complex Systems. Edited by D. Reguera, L.L. Bonilla and J.M. Rubí. Lecture Notes in Physics 567. Pages 420-435 (Springer, Berlin, 2001).

  17. M. Moscoso, J.B. Keller and G. Papanicolaou
    "Depolarization and blurring of optical images by biological tissues"
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 18, 948-960 (2001)

  18. M. Moscoso, J.B. Keller and G. Papanicolaou
    "Optical polarization imaging in biological tissues"
    Proceedings of SPIE. 4261. Pages 105-113 (San José, CA, 2001).

  19. A. Perales, L.L. Bonilla, M. Moscoso and J. Galán
    "Spatio temporal structures in undoped photoexcited semiconductor superlattices"
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2817-2822 (2001)  Pdf

  20. D. Reguera, L.L. Bonilla, and J.M. Rubí (Eds.)
    "Coherent Structures in Complex Systems"
    Springer Lecture Notes in Physics. 567. (Springer, Berlin, 2001).

  21. D. Reguera, J.M. Rubí and L.L. Bonilla
    "Kinetic Theory of Nucleation and Growth in Polymers"
    Polymers. Edited by V. Capasso. (Springer, Berlin, 2001).

  22. A.L. Sánchez, M. Carretero, P. Clavin and F. Williams
    "One-dimensional overdriven detonations with branched-chain kinetics"
    Physics of Fluids 13, 776-792 (2001)  Pdf

  23. D. Sánchez, L.L. Bonilla and G. Platero
    "Temperature dependence of current self-oscillations and electric field domains in sequential tunneling doped superlattices"
    Physical Review B 64, 115311/1-6 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0104117]  Pdf

  24. D. Sánchez, G. Platero and L.L. Bonilla
    "Quasiperiodic current and strange attractors in ac-driven superlattices"
    Physical Review B 63, 201306/1-4 (R) (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0004391]  Pdf

  25. B. Valenzuela and M.A.H. Vozmediano
    "Deformation of the Fermi surface in the extended Hubbard model"
    Physical Review B 63, 153103 (2001) [arXiv:cond-mat/0007135]

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