>  Publications
 >  2002

Publications 2002

  1. L.L. Bonilla, O. Sánchez and J. Soler
    "Nonlinear stochastic discrete drift-diffusion theory of charge fluctuations and domain relocation times in semiconductor superlattices"
    Physical Review B 65, 195308/1-8 (2002) [arXiv:cond-mat/0201500]  Pdf

  2. L.L. Bonilla
    "Theory of Nonlinear Charge Transport, Wave Propagationand Self-oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices"
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, R341-R381 (2002)  Pdf

  3. A. Carpio and L.L. Bonilla
    "Wavefronts in Photoexcited Semiconductor Superlattices"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. Edited by A.M. Anile, V. Capasso and A. Greco. Mathematics in Industry 1. Pages 365-371 (Springer, Berlin, 2002).

  4. A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla and A. Luzón
    "Effects of disorder on the wave front depinning transition in spatially discrete systems"
    Physical Review E 65, 035207(R)/1-4 (2002) [arXiv:cond-mat/0201318]  Pdf

  5. A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Chebyshev spectral methods for radiative transfer"
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23, 2075-2095 (2002)  Pdf

  6. A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Backscattering of circularly polarized pulses"
    Optics Letters 27, 1589-1591 (2002)

  7. M. Kindelan and L.L. Bonilla
    "Periodic recycling and motion of wavefronts in a model of the Gunn effect with saturating current characteristics"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. Edited by A.M. Anile, V. Capasso and A. Greco. Mathematics in Industry 1. Pages 386-398 (Springer, Berlin, 2002).

  8. J.C. Neu, J.A. Cañizo and L.L. Bonilla
    "Three eras of micellization"
    Physical Review E 66, 061406/1-9 (2002).
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 7, (2003) [arXiv:cond-mat/0211056]

  9. E. Ruiz Arriola, L.L. Bonilla and J. Soler
    "Quantum Kinetic Equation including Phonon Scattering"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. Edited by A.M. Anile, V. Capasso and A. Greco. Mathematics in Industry 1. Pages 347-357 (Springer, Berlin, 2002).

  10. D. Sánchez, L.L. Bonilla and G. Platero
    "Temperature-induced breakdown of stationary electric field domains in superlattices"
    Physica E 13, 798-801 (2002)  Pdf

  11. D. Sánchez, G. Platero and L.L. Bonilla
    "Nonlinear Transport in Semiconductor Superlattices"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. Edited by A.M. Anile, V. Capasso and A. Greco. Mathematics in Industry 1. Pages 372-385 (Springer, Berlin, 2002).

  12. M.A.H. Vozmediano, J. González, F. Guinea, J.V. Álvarez and B. Valenzuela
    "Properties of electrons near a Van Hove singularity"
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63, 2295-2297 (2002) [arXiv:cond-mat/0204257]

  13. M.A.H. Vozmediano, M.P. López Sancho and F. Guinea
    "Confinement of electrons in layered metals"
    Physical Review Letters 89, 166401 (2002) [arXiv:cond-mat/0110418]

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