>  Publications
 >  2010

Publications 2010

  1. I. Agulló, F. Barbero, E.F. Borja, J. Díaz-Polo, E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Detailed black hole state counting in loop quantum gravity"
    Physical Review D 82, 084029 (2010) [arXiv:1101.3660]

  2. J.I. Arana, L.L. Bonilla, and H.T. Grahn
    "Photo-excited semiconductor superlattices as constrained excitable media: Motion of dipole domains and current self-oscillations"
    Physical Review B 81, 035322 (2010) [arXiv:0912.4897]

  3. F. Barbero, E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Quantization of midisuperspace models"
    Living Reviews in Relativity 13, 6 (2010) [arXiv:1010.1637]

  4. V. Bayona, M.A. Moscoso, M. Carretero, and M. Kindelan
    "RBF-FD formulas and convergence properties"
    Journal of Computational Physics 229, 8281-8295 (2010)

  5. F.M. Bernal and M. Kindelan
    "Radial basis function solution of the Motz problem"
    Engineering Computations 27, 606-620 (2010)

  6. L.L. Bonilla, L. Barletti, and M. Álvaro
    "Transport in Semiconductor Superlattices"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Edited by A.D. Fitt; J. Norbury; H. Ockendon; R.E. Wilson. Mathematics in Industry 15. Pages 141-152 (Springer, Berlin, 2010).

  7. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, H. Grahn, G. Dell'Acqua, and I. Arana
    "Waves in nonlinear discrete systems"
    Oberwolfach reports 6. (EMS Publishing House, 2010).

  8. L.L. Bonilla, A. Prados, and A. Carpio
    "Nonequilibrium dynamics of a fast oscillator coupled to Glauber spins"
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P09019 (2010)

  9. L.L. Bonilla and S.W. Teitsworth
    "Nonlinear wave methods for charge transport"
      (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010).

  10. M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, R. Escobedo, and G. Platero
    "Spin-Polarized Current Oscillations in Multiquantum Well Structures"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Edited by A.D. Fitt; J. Norbury; H. Ockendon; R.E. Wilson. Mathematics in Industry 15. Pages 147-152 (Springer, Berlin, 2010).

  11. M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, and J.B. Keller
    "Homogeneus Branched-Chain Explosions"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Edited by A.D. Fitt; J. Norbury; H. Ockendon; R.E. Wilson. Mathematics in Industry 15. Pages 759-764 (Springer, Berlin, 2010).

  12. O. Dorn and D. Lesselier
    "Introduction to the special issue on electromagnetic inverse problems: emerging methods and novel applications"
    Inverse Problems 26, 070201 (2010)

  13. R. Ehrenborg and Y. Farjoun
    "Asymptotics of the Euler number of bipartite graphs"
    Advances in Applied Mathematics 44, 155-167 (2010) [arXiv:0704.1782]

  14. R. Escobedo, M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, and G. Platero
    "Phase diagrams and switching of voltage and magnetic field in dilute magnetic semiconductor nanostructures"
    Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 4, 76-78 (2010)

  15. R. Escobedo, M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, and G. Platero
    "Relocation Dynamic during Voltage Switching in Spin-Polarized Superlattices"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Edited by A.D. Fitt; J. Norbury; H. Ockendon; R.E. Wilson. Mathematics in Industry 15. Pages 159-165 (Springer, Berlin, 2010).

  16. Y. Farjoun and B. Seibold
    "A rarefaction-tracking method for hyperbolic conservation laws"
    Journal of Engineering Mathematics 66, 237-251 (2010) [arXiv:0901.0298]

  17. N. Irishina, J.D. Álvarez, O. Dorn, and M.A. Moscoso
    "Structural level set inversion for microwave breast screening"
    Inverse problems 26, 035015 (2010)

  18. M. Kindelan, F. Bernal, P. González-Rodríguez and M. Moscoso
    "Application of the RBF meshless method to the solution of the radiative transport equation"
    Journal of Computational Physics 229, 1897-1908 (2010)

  19. B. Mohar and J. Salas
    "On the non-ergodicity of the Swendsen-Wang-Kotecky algorithm on the kagome lattice"
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P05016 (2010) [arXiv:1002.4279]

  20. J.C. Neu, A. Carpio, and L.L. Bonilla
    "Theory of surface deposition from boundary layers containing condensable vapor and particles"
    Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Edited by A.D. Fitt; J. Norbury; H. Ockendon; R.E. Wilson. Mathematics in Industry 15. Pages 469-474 (Springer, Berlin, 2010).

  21. A. Prados, L.L. Bonilla, and A. Carpio
    "Phase transitions in a mechanical system coupled to Glauber spins"
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P06016 (2010) [arXiv:1004.3215]

  22. M. Schweiger, O. Dorn, A. Zacharopoulos, I. Nissila, and S.A. Arridge
    "3D level set reconstruction of model and experimental data in Diffuse Optical Tomography"
    Optics Express 18, 150-164 (2010)

  23. M. Álvaro and L.L. Bonilla
    "Two mini-band model for self-sustained oscillations of the current through resonant tunneling semiconductor superlattices"
    Physical Review B 82, 035305 (2010) [arXiv:1006.2394]

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