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 >  2007

Publications 2007

  1. F. Alonso-Atienza, J.L. Rojo-Álvarez, D.Álvarez, M. Moscoso, and A. García-Alberola
    "Reconstruction of Transmembrane Currents Using Support Vector Machines and its Application to Endocardial Mapping: A Model Study"
    Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology 2007, Duke, USA. (2007).

  2. J.F. Barbero, D. Gómez Vergel and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Hamiltonian dynamics of linearly polarized Gowdy models coupled to massless scalar fields."
    Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 5945-5972 (2007) [arXiv:0707.3333]

  3. F. Barbero, D. Gómez Vergel and E.J.S. Villaseñor
    "Quantization of linearly polarized cosmological models with two Killing fields"
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 66, 012035 (2007)

  4. F. Bernal and M. Kindelan
    "RBF meshless modeling of non-Newtonian Hele-Shaw flow"
    Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 31, 863-874 (2007)

  5. L.L. Bonilla, L. Barletti, R. Escobedo, and M. Álvaro
    "Nonlinear electronic transport in semiconductor superlattices"
    Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy II. Selected contributions from the 8th SIMAI Conference. Edited by V. Cutello, G. Fotia, and L. Puccio. Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences 75. Pages 184-195 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007).

  6. L.L. Bonilla, M. Carretero and J.B. Keller
    "Homogeneous branched-chain explosions"
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 68, 619-628 (2007)

  7. L.L. Bonilla, R. Escobedo, M. Carretero and G. Platero
    "Multiquantum well spin oscillator"
    Applied Physics Letters 91, 092102 (2007).
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 16, #11 (2007) [arXiv:cond-mat/0702132]

  8. L.L. Bonilla, T. Götz, A. Klar, N. Marheineke and R. Wegener
    "Hydrodynamic limit of the Fokker-Planck equation describing fiber lay-down processes"
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 68, 648-665 (2007)

  9. L.L. Bonilla and A. Carpio
    "Defects, Singularities and Waves"
    Recent Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications. A Conference to honor P.D. Lax and L. Nirenberg on the occasion of their 80th birthdays. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 65. Pages 131-150 (American Mathematical Society, 2007).

  10. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, J.M. Vega and S. Venakides (Eds.)
    "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications. A Conference to honor P.D. Lax and L. Nirenberg on the occasion of their 80th birthdays"
    Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 65. (American Mathematical Society, 2007).

  11. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, and J.C. Neu
    "Kinetics of nucleation and growth: classical nucleation and helium bubbles in nuclear materials"
    Math Everywhere, Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling in Biomedicine, Economics and Industry. Edited by G. Aletti, M. Burger, A. Micheletti, and D. Morale. Pages 291-307 (Springer, Berlin, 2007).

  12. L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, and I. Plans
    "Dislocations in cubic crystals described by discrete models"
    Physica A 376, 361-377 (2007) [arXiv:0805.1221]

  13. G. Dell'Acqua, L.L. Bonilla and R. Escobedo
    "Relocation dynamics and multistable switching in semiconductor superlattices"
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 204, 18-24 (2007)  Pdf

  14. G. Dell'Acqua, L.L. Bonilla and R. Escobedo
    "Relocation dynamics and multistable switching in semiconductor superlattices"
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 204, 18-24 (2007)

  15. O. Dorn and D. Lesselier
    "Level set techniques for structural inversion in medical imaging"
    Deformable Models: Theory and Biomaterial Applications. Edited by J.S. Suri and A. Farag. (Springer, 2007).

  16. M. El-Shenawee, O. Dorn, and M. Moscoso
    "Reconstruction of irregular shapes of breast cancer tumor using the adjoint-field scheme in the microwave imaging algorithm method for breast cancer application"
    Proceed. 23rd International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Conference, Verona, Italy, March 2007. (2007).

  17. M. El-Shenawee, M. Moscoso and O. Dorn
    "On the stability of surface shape reconstruction using microwave algorithm for 3-D breast tumor based on the adjoint-fields scheme"
    Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, 2007 IEEE, June 9-15,. Pages 2188-2191 (2007).

  18. P. González-Rodríguez, A.D. Kim and M. Moscoso
    "Reconstructing a thin absorbing obstacle in a half space of tissue"
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24, 3456-3466 (2007)

  19. N. Irishina, O. Dorn and M. Moscoso
    "Level-set techniques for microwave medical imaging"
    Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, July 16-20, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. Pages 1151601-1151602. (2007).

  20. N. Irishina, M. Moscoso and O. Dorn
    "Microwave tomography for breast cancer detection using level sets"
    Proc. 23rd International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Conference ACES 2007, March 19-23, 2007, Verona, Italy. Pages 1955-1960 (2007).

  21. J.L Jacobsen and J. Salas
    "Phase diagram of the chromatic polynomial on a torus"
    Nuclear Physics B 783, 238-296 (2007) [arXiv:cond-mat/0703228]

  22. P. Romero, J.M. Gambí and E. Patiño
    "Station keeping manoeuvres for geostationary satellites using feed-back control techniques"
    Aerospace Science and Technology 11, 229-237 (2007)

  23. R. Villegas, O. Dorn, M. Kindelan and M. Moscoso
    "Imaging low sensitivity regions in petroleum reservoirs using topological perturbations and level sets"
    Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 15, 199-223 (2007)

  24. D. Álvarez, O. Dorn, and M. Moscoso
    "Reconstructing thin shapes from boundary electrical measurements with level sets"
    Proceed. 23rd International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Conference, Verona, Italy, March 2007. (2007).

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